O Safety além de um Congresso é uma mudança na cultura. Para você que está interessado nos temas que estamos propondo selecionamos alguns artigos que podem ser baixados da lista abaixo.
Boa leitura e espero que você venha ao Rio, cidade dos Jogos Olímpicos, para construirmos uma Medicina mais segura.
Espero por você e seus colegas.
Alfredo Guarischi
Organizador do Safety
Artigos novos
Atualizado em 08/03/2012
- Alcohol abuse and dependence are significant problems among surgeons in the United States, a new survey shows.
- Building a Successful Career: Advice from Leaders in Thoracic Surgery
- Complex health choices require shared decisions
- Diagnosing Diagnosis Errors: Lessons from a Multi-institutional Collaborative Project
Artigos de coleção
- Resenha do Livro Checklist do Dr. Atul Gawande
- Patient Safety Workshop - Learning From Error
- WHO Guidelines for Safe Surgery 2009 - Safe Surgery Saves Lives
- Direct medical costs of adverse events in Dutch hospitals
- Your 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene
- A Guide to the Implementation of the WHO Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy
- Normal people working in normal organizations with normal equipment: System safety and cognition in a mid-air collision
- Levantamento e Análise de Eventos Adversos com Aparelhos de Tomografia Computadorizada
- Anaesthesiology as a model for patient safety in health care
- A Surgical Safety Checklist to Reduce Morbidity and Mortality in a Global Population
- On error management: lessons from aviation
- Implementation Manual - Surgical Safety Checklist
- Error, stress, and teamwork in medicine and aviation: cross sectional surveys
- Improving patient safety through training in non-technical skills
- To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System
- Using information technology to reduce rates of medication errors in hospitals
- The assessment of adverse events in hospitals in Brazil
- Lista OMS de Verificación de la Seguridad de la Cirugía - Manual de Aplicación
- Lista de Verificación de la Seguridad de la Cirugía - folder
- Surgical Safety Checklist - folder
- Safe Surgery Saves Lives FAQ